Chinese New Year Poon Choi from Skyview Fusion Cuisine

"Big bowl feast" from Skyview Fusion Cuisine

“Big bowl feast” from Skyview Fusion Cuisine

We’ve been buying poon choi (盆菜) from a different restaurant in the past couple of years to celebrate Chinese New Year.  It’s a delicious and easy way to enjoy many celebratory new year foods in one setting.  “Poon choi” in Chinese literally translates as “bowl vegetables” where layers of auspicious foods, meats, and vegetables are layered in the bowl and everyone digs into the bowl to eat together as a family.  It’s also known as a “big bowl feast” or “basin cuisine”.

 Skyview Fusion Cuisine new year poon choi price

The flyer in February 2024

This year, we tried the new year poon choi from Skyview Fusion Cuisine (乙龍天) located at 8261 Woodbine Avenue, unit #8 in Markham.  It cost $238 with tax, but when we reserved it early, we received a 10% discount.  The total of it came to $242.  We picked it up from the restaurant on the preferred reserved date and heated it up at home to eat.

(We reserved it and paid for it in person on February 3 and picked it up on February 11 to enjoy.  Unlike other restaurants, they let you keep the aluminum bowl.  Other restaurants have a deposit for the bowl and you can return the bowl to receive your deposit back.)

I was really impressed with how much luxury items there were.  There was one grilled lobster, abalone, dried scallops, fish maw, sea cucumbers, Chinese mushrooms, free run chicken, duck, goose feet, lotus root, pork hocks, mock chicken, cabbage, radish, and black moss.  It said this was a six to eight person serving on the flyer.  We noticed that there were six of the abalone, dried scallops, sea cucumber, goose feet, etc., so it really is meant for six people if you want each person to have one of each item.

 Skyview Fusion Cuisine new year poon choi

Serves six to eight people

 Skyview Fusion Cuisine poon choi

Here you can see how big the sea cucumbers were

What I loved most was how big and of good quality the items were.  For example, the sea cucumbers were massive, long, and tasted very smooth and so soft.  The abalone was big as well.  Everything tasted really good and the broth they used was perfect — not too salty or thick.

We definitely couldn’t finish the big bowl during our new year dinner and had leftovers.  It’s a big portion of food!

I would recommend their poon choi for future new year celebrations too.  Make sure you reserve early!

 big bowl feast from Skyview Fusion Cuisine

Mid-eating photo so you can see more of what’s underneath

About stenoodie

I'm a stenographer, foodie, avid traveller, and mom of 2 who loves to share her experiences with the world.
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