Chefs Plate: Crispy Fish & Sauce Gribiche with Parmesan Green Beans and Baby Potatoes

Crispy Fish & Sauce Gribiche with Parmesan Green Beans and Baby Potatoes

Crispy Fish & Sauce Gribiche with Parmesan Green Beans and Baby Potatoes

October 16, 2017.  Yay, Chefs Plate!  I really adore this cooking service and am happy to be cooking with them once more!

This is my 17th plate from the meal subscription service (you can pause your plan at any time if you want) where you pick from a pre-made menu of a variety of dishes and they deliver the fresh ingredients to your door.  Every week is a different menu.  It’s very easy (for the most part) to cook these meals.  Everything is pre-measured and packaged together for convenience and highest hygiene.  I haven’t had a problem ordering from them (with the exception of one missing avocado in one recipe once) and love the taste of their food.  The portions are also very substantial and the prices reasonable (although if you refer a friend, you can accumulate free plates!).

For this return back to cooking with Chefs Plate, I ordered the “Crispy Fish & Sauce Gribiche”.  I was intrigued by the Sauce Gribiche, a classic French relative to tartar sauce.

Chefs Plate package

Happy Chefs Plate package to my door!

My box of goodies arrived promptly on the Monday morning before 11 a.m.  I am so excited to receive this box!  This time upon opening, I noticed some clear ‘improvements’ and differences to their packaging since the last time I had ordered from them:  They now use brown paper bags (with a clear plastic window) to distinguish the different plates of food.  (Each plate of food serves two people.)  They used to use large plastic bags to hold each plate of food, so this was a definite improvement in terms of being environmentally friendly.  I noticed that the egg was placed into a small paper carton — hmm, is this really necessary?  Good thing it is still paper though so it can be recycled.  (I believe the egg used to be transported in a plastic container and lid before.)  Also, the tarragon was put into its own hard plastic container fit for herbs.  This was new; herbs used to be transported in a plastic baggy just like many of the other produce.  Each of the brown paper bags also had a nutrition label and a clearly marked ingredients list adhered on it too.

Chefs Plate package inside

Three meals for this week for me!

 Chefs Plate fish meal

Fish meal

Crispy Fish & Sauce Gribiche nutrition info

Nutrition info for Crispy Fish & Sauce Gribiche

This Crispy Fish & Sauce Gribiche with Parmesan Green Beans and Baby Potatoes dish had a cooking difficulty level of Medium and would take 35 minutes of cooking time.

Crispy Fish & Sauce Gribiche ingredients

All of the ingredients for Crispy Fish & Sauce Gribiche with Parmesan Green Beans and Baby Potatoes

Crispy Fish & Sauce Gribiche recipe

Crispy Fish & Sauce Gribiche recipe!

First things first, after washing the produce and drying them, I always season the fish first with salt and pepper.  This allows more time for the seasoning to absorb into the fish or meat.

 Basa Fillets

Basa Fillets

 Salt and pepper on basa fillets

Rub in that salt and pepper!

Halve the yellow creamer potatoes and then throw them into a boiling pot.  Add salt and simmer until tender.

 yellow creamer potatoes

Halving the yellow creamer potatoes

 yellow creamer potatoes in pot

Drop them in the boiling pot

At the same time, boil the egg and then roughly chop it up.

 boiling egg

Boil egg (I haven’t done this in ages since I like my eggs scrambled)

Remove the stem ends from the green beans and finely chop the cornichons, capers, and tarragon.

green beans

Remove stem ends from green beans

sauce gribiche ingredients

Chopped up ingredients for the sauce gribiche

When the potatoes are done, drain the water and then add oil, salt, and pepper to season.  You can leave them in the pot.

 potatoes in pot

Drain tender potatoes and salt, pepper, and oil them

Steam the green beans in a large pan and season with salt.  Pour out excess water and then add the parmesan cheese to coat the beans.  After these were done, I put them immediately onto the serving plates.

green beans steaming

Steaming green beans

 cheese on green beans

Melting parmesan cheese on the beans

Mixing the sauce gribiche was the most fun.  I’ve never made this French tartar sauce before and am also not sure if I’ve eaten it before in restaurant outings.

 boiled egg chopped up

Roughly chop up boiled egg.  Mmmm

 ingredients for sauce gribiche

Ingredients for the sauce and ready for the egg to be mixed in

 Sauce Gribiche

Sauce Gribiche is all done!

The cornmeal-coated basa fillets were the last to be cooked in the large pan.

cornmeal-coated basa fillets

Cooking up the cornmeal-coated basa fillets

Crispy Fish & Sauce Gribiche


Plating this was so simple.  Just put it on the plate and spread the sauce gribiche on top of the fish fillets.

This was delicious!  And I’m not saying that because I had a part in making them.  I don’t know how Chefs Plate does it, but every single one of their recipes and plates is so delicious.  The chefs at their company really measured out and planned out every single detail.  I loved how the fish fillets were so crispy and not too weighed down from the cornmeal batter.  The slight cheesiness of the fresh green beans was incredibly delicious.  Their green beans were so fresh; you could taste the juiciness in each one.

Crispy Fish & Sauce Gribiche for two

Enough for two

The sauce gribiche was the perfect sauce for the basa fillets.  It was tangy and a bit salty and sour which complemented the fish so well.  How do they think of these taste combinations? :9

The yellow creamer potatoes were also really good and slightly salted and seasoned with pepper as to my liking.

Yay to another successful Chefs Plate meal! ^_^  Two more recipes to come this week!  Watch out for the blog posts!

Also, if you would like to try Chefs Plate for yourself, you can receive four free plates from me!  You just have to go to this special link or go to and input “#freeplatesfromstenoodie” as the referral code.  Either option will automatically deduct the four plates’ prices off your order.  It’s really simple and you can try out their plates for free!  Happy cooking! 🙂

Crispy Fish & Sauce Gribiche

Perfect sauce with the basa fillets

Just for fun, you can click here to see all of my previous Chefs Plate meals. ;D

About stenoodie

I'm a stenographer, foodie, avid traveller, and mom of 2 who loves to share her experiences with the world.
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